Pure Java Object-Relational Database Database Management System
  • Pure Java
  • JDBC
  • SQL 89/92
  • Single file
  • Transactions
  • Easy to use
  • Very fast





Consus is a 100% pure Java embedded object-relational database management system. It provides the JDBC interface and SQL-92 compatible query language JSQL. In addition to the standard JDBC methods, Consus also provides the following object oriented extensions:
  • Implicit database tables definition using information about Java classes.
  • Direct mapping between table and Java classes. Table inheritance.
  • Polymorphic queries (select among all derived subtables) and polymorphic (virtual) method invocations.
  • Direct access to the records by references.
  • Database tables can contain any Java object or array as a record field.
  • Any built-in Java type can be used as a record attribute.
  • Construction - start from following by performs recursive records traversal using references.
  • Binary large objects (BLOBs) and character large objects (CLOBs) with Java stream interface are supported.
  • Automatic database scheme evaluation.
  • Persistent object storage interface: persistence by reachability and transparent loading of objects from the database.

JSQL is a non-procedural query language provided by Consus. It implements almost all of the features of SQL-89 standard. It is described more in depth in the following section. The most convenient and efficient way of extracting data from Consus database is to use objects instead of tuples. It leads to a more transparent interface with the Java programming language. The result of a query execution is set of Java objects and the programmer should not worry about packing/unpacking record fields (but Consus does provide the standard JDBC methods for fetching/storing record fields values without using the object-oriented interface). To select objects instead of tuples just skip the columns list in the SQL statement (or use '*' character). In this case Consus will extract the data from the database as objects (it's still possible to access fields of the object using the standard JDBC ResultSet methods).

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