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Book reader

Housekeeping | Econometer

Last release: 25.05.2005
Compatibility: Java MIDP 1.0


Expenses analyzer.
It will help you to store information about all your purchases, control and analyze your expenses. The program calculates average and maximal values of expenses for weeks and months, draw diagram illustrating yours expenses trend.


  1. First enter information about the shops in which your are usually performing your purchases.
  2. To enter new purchase, select shop and choose New purchase item. Date is set automatically (you should set correct time and date at your phone). You should specify price of the purchase (positive integer number) and purchase description. Description can be used by you later to find out what was purchased, also you can use Search command to select purchases which description contains some pattern (for example "food").
  3. By default only integer number are accepted as valid price (it is non possible to enter non-digit character). To be able to specify fraction part (cents), you should choose Settings item in main menu and switch precision from dollars to cents. In this case you can separate fraction part from integer part by ',' character. But in this case phone as in Abc entering mode, so to easily input digits you should first switch it to 123 mode. Precision settings has influence only on input form, so you can change it any time you like.
  4. You can view statistics for all purchases or for purchases performed in some particular] shop. Two types of grouping are used: by months and by weeks. It is also possible to represent results in graphics form. Red dotted line corresponds to average value.
  5. Analyze command can be used to obtain information about average value of month and week expenses, expenses for last month and week, most expensive and typical purchase.


Housekeeping | Shopper

Last release: 03.09.2005
Compatibility: Java MIDP 1.0
Version of Shopper2 for MIDP 2.0 with SMS support(70Kb)


Shopping list.
At home you or your wife mark needed produces, then you go to the shop, get your mobile and check the list. People in the shop will be impressed! Do not use paper and pencil in XXI century:)


  • You can add/remove/rename categories and add/remove products from categories
  • It is possible to remove anly empty category
  • When category is added or removed it is associated with default icon
  • Remove product command will remove all marked products in category
  • Assign unique name to the added products (not only within category), otherwise you can get duplicates in Need list
  • At Nokia phones to select or mark list items use Call (green) button


controls your expenses

shopping list